Born in Alcudia, 1963. Sports Councilor for the Alcudia City Council in the 2015-2019 legislature, he held the departments of Culture and Communication in 2003-2007 and 2007-2011.
He is Professor of Journalism at the Universitat of Valencia and Doctor of the history. He teaches at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication at the University of Valencia and at master's degrees at various Spanish universities. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha and at the University of Leipzig. He has chaired the Association of Historians of Communication of Spain and is Delegate of the Rector of the University of Valencia in the Association of Information and Communication Degrees of Spain.
He has published twenty books, more than one hundred book chapters and fifty articles in scientific magazines. He has given conferences and attended congresses in countries like Mexico, Tunisia, Italy, France or Germany.
He has published twenty books, more than one hundred book chapters and fifty articles in scientific magazines. He has given conferences and attended congresses in countries like Mexico, Tunisia, Italy, France or Germany.

Among his books, Social History of Communication. Mediations and public (2007), Conserving progress: the Liberal Union, 1856-1868 (2001), Development and growth: the Valencian industrialization, 1834-1914 (1995), ArtyCotif (2008), The journalistic laughter. Theory, methodology and research in satirical communication (2010), Valencia, 1900. Social movements and political conflicts during the Moroccan war (2001), La Traca: transgression as a norm (2016), The kidnapping of democracy. Corruption and political domination in Spain today (2011).