
Rafael Ferri Doménech

To talk about the sculptor and her meaning, we believe that there is no better way than to leave the sculptor's ideas:

The creative freedom that COFIT and the members of the City Council gave me to create a trophy sculpture for this event, made me immediately get to work after the moment I left the first meeting. Reflections, opinions and ideas were presented and agreed that although they have had logical changes and changes, they have not changed the essence of the project.

I decided that the sculpture would adopt the attitude of an athlete, in this case a football player who looks towards the horizon as if following the path of the ball he just threw in a pass. The fact of having already carried out the action, gives it a calm appearance, a cadence reinforced by the direction of the gaze towards the horizon following the ball.

Sculpture is the fruit of experimentation always faithful to the process that over the years has made my works acquire a kind of timelessness, tranquility and serenity.

This sculpture is intended to be a trophy, therefore, on the chromatic surface I have included a gold leaf patina in a mimicry to enrich the surface that gives the sculpture a quality typical of a trophy.